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Showing posts from August, 2017

What Katy did (and didn’t do) Next!

Mainstream Innovation: Katy Perry's Witness In the run-up to the release of Katy Perry’s new record, Witness, there was quite a bit of debate about how political the album was expected to be. To a great extent, these ultimately unrealized expectations were generated by the artist herself. Perry was very vocal in her support for Hilary Clinton’s bid for the presidency. Combined with her pre-release pronouncements about Witness and her characterization of herself as an “advocate,” this recent political focus led many listeners to expect a very ideologically intense work that would move away from Perry’s trademark dance-pop and take up the cudgels against President Trump’s administration .  In the statements she made about the record prior to its release, Perry had promised something that would be liberating not only in narrowly political terms, but also in sexual (!), psychological, and even spiritual ones. That’s quite a big promise, and numerous commentators became quite hea